The Art Of Worship

By Jeff Batson

Hello everyone!

Welcome to this month’s installment.

As I sit here trying to recover from a bad cold, I am reminded that when the times come upon us, when we don’t feel like doing much of anything or dealing with certain things, especially the types of things which require some thought and focus, the fact remains: things still need to get done, and things still need to be dealt with.

One of the things that requires my continued attention and focus at the moment, regardless of how I feel, is my willingness and my commitment to lead the worship team I’ve been given to work with at the new church where I recently became the new worship leader.

Although there are challenges ahead of me in this transition, many of which are not easy to deal with, I choose to put forth the best of myself towards this because I know the Lord will be with me and help me as we all continue to learn and grow together as a worship team.

Here’s an example of something I’m dealing with at the present time…

One of the team members, who is a very talented musician, is a professional musician, earning money with his musical talents.  He is also accustomed to doing things musically, in a way which is quite different from the way I do things.  Although this type of situation for some, may seem like a difficult or challenging thing to deal with, I believe it is important to learn how to first, be a good listener so that those we are working with will be able to both see and sense our willingness to show interest in them, their specific gifts, and abilities. 

As I have been working with this individual, I have been careful not to come across in a way which is critical, rather, I have sought to provide direction as the leader of the team, in a positive way by acknowledging his suggestions, then making a decision of what direction to go in musically.

Even though we may not always see eye to eye musically, for the most part it is has been my experience that the outcome is usually favorable for both of us and for the entire team.  This is in part, because I have chosen to place value and worth on this person by sincerely listening to him and considering the things that he brings to the table as not only a musician, but as a team member.

As leaders, let’s face it and be honest here, we do not always have it all figured out and we are not always right about everything.  Sure, we may be the leader and we may have the final say on things, but let’s make sure we keep our own hearts in check by remaining humble and continuing to be servant leaders.  Remember, even Jesus came, not to be served, but rather to serve.

Matt. 20:28:"...the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve..."

On a parting note, I sincerely hope that up to this point, the things I have shared in my columns have been both helpful and useful to each of you as worship leaders and worship team members.

It is my great privilege and honour to walk alongside of you, in a manner of speaking, to offer to you from my own experiences, what I have learned over the years.  I pray that you find some of what I have shared to be of value to you in your continuing journey as worship leaders and worship team members.

Until next time, let’s all continue to worship the King!

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